Monday 13 July 2015

Advertisements, by Namra Asif

These are answers to the two questions shared in the last session, written  by Namra Asif, a club member.

Q. What  do  advertisements  do  make  you  want  what  you  do not  need?

Our Almighty ALLAH  gave us many many blessings which we have to make us realize that we should always thank our GOD (ALLAH). But some fake things destroy our this concept and advertisements are one of those
Advertisements play a very important role to destroy our this concept by playing from our perception, feelings, values, understandings, beliefs, dreams, wishes, and emotions. And from this solely and gradually our wants becomes our needs which is the beginning of breakdown our string relations between us and ALLAH.
In the end, the conclusion is:
Want should belong to ALLAH... Need should belong to us.

Q. How do advertisements change the perception of reality?

Some things and thoughts are able to change reality of life they are very dangerous and advertisements are one of them . Because the companies of advertisements always try to make heart touching advertises which approximately change the reality. First of all, by advertisements, they make their product as our extra needs, which do not play a vital role in our daily life .
They vanish the concept of difference between wants and needs .When our wants become our needs, extra expenses are being up in our life and our ALMIGHTY ALLAH never likes extra expenses, especially from Muslims.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughtful! You have mentioned a lot of important things, like how our needs become our wants. I enjoyed reading your writing.
