Monday 15 December 2014

Tone and facial expressions, by Zainab Salman, club member

What is the role of tone and facial expressions in our communication?
I believe, tone and facial expression are an important part of our conversation, and things to take care of.
For Example, you’re talking to someone, using polite and friendly words, but with the troubled expression you’re wearing on your face makes the other person perceive the exact opposite of what you mean. The same goes for tone. So remember, if your facial expressions, tone, and words don’t match, the other person will accept the strongest of them three, that is, the facial expressions.

Is it possible for a person to be fully responsible for his/her tone?
I think so. Because tone is something you can choose for what and how you want to say it. Like if you want to be sarcastic, you’ll say polite words, but use a rude tone (or vice versa). So when you choose your tone yourself, according to how you want to sound, you can be fully responsible for your tone.

Can we control our facial expressions?
I don’t think so. If you’re angry with someone, and someone else is talking to you, chances are that your facial expressions won’t be too kind. Also, you aren’t standing in front of a mirror when you’re talking, so you don’t know if you made a face at something when you should’ve smiled.  Maybe some people can control their facial expressions, but I can’t, and I know it.


  1. Great work, Zainab! I must agree with you on what you said for the facial expressions; it's one part of body language that's pretty much impossible to hide. I read a bit about it and there are a lot of facial expressions that give away your real emotions. However, when people talk to someone and they aren't actually giving a proper smile, you can tell, but they still fake it, and many don't even notice. Keep up the good work! :)

  2. Great work zainab.....I totally agreed with u that tone n facial expression are very important in oral communication.
    Batch 20
