Monday 15 December 2014

Tone and facial expressions, By Fatima Salman, club member

What is the role of tone and facial expressions in our communication?
Our tone and facial expressions have a very important role in our communication. If a person really means what he or she is saying, their tone and facial expressions would match their words. For example, if I’m persuading someone to do something, my tone would be determined and I wouldn’t look angry or bored. But if I’m pretending to be nice to someone I actually hate, my fake smiles might even be detectable and my tone could even give the game away.

Is it possible for a person to be fully responsible for his\her tone?
In a way yes, and in another way, no. I think our tones depend on our mood and feelings at that moment. A person may sound unintentionally rude at some time because something has made him or her feel angry. Or he may sound happy because of something else.
I think there is always a reason for the tone we use. The reason may lie in our statement or in something else. I think that if our tone used is according to what we are saying, then we can control it, but if a certain tone is because of something else (i.e.;  other than what we are saying) then we can’t control it.

Can we control our facial expressions?
I don’t think we can control most of our facial expressions that come by naturally. The only facial expressions that we can control are the ones we show on purpose, like in acting.


  1. Nice work, Fatima! I love how you answered the questions! :D I agree with you on the bit about being responsible for your tone. Usually I find it's difficult to make my tone sound how I want it when I speak, apart from when I'm imitating someone/something or when I'm deliberately trying to sound different. :3 I also definitely agree with what you said about trying to control our facial expressions; it's almost impossible to fake. Once my brother was lying to me, and I knew he was lying because his eyebrow was raised, so I pointed it out to him and he was really annoyed. XD Great work - keep it up! :D

  2. Fatima, I think you have handled the questions in a very and realistic manner.

    PTCC 20
